Jul 17, 2014

You're My Frenemy

Friends, how many of us have them? I'm not talking about your video game or drinking buddy, I'm referring to people you've grown up with; you know each other inside & out. That's the definition of a friend to me, someone who has your back in the good & bad. They also tell you the truth and don't care if you're slighted. They want the best for you and vice versa. Nowadays, friends come in enemy form, which breeds the term frenemy. A frenemy acts like your friend, but they're really your enemy. To an extent, it's hard to recognize frenemies because they're very convincing. They portray themselves as lifelong friends, but the minute there's an issue, they show their true colors. This is why you feel people out before you become friends.  You never know who's for or against you. I posted a Facebook status that went like this: If you have a falling out with your best friend, and they tell your business, they weren't your friend from the beginning. 
No matter what, friends should never spill confidential information. I don't care if you have something on your friend that could destroy them, that's foul. Just cut then off & keep it moving. Life is too short for the tit-for-tat garbage. Discernment is key to recognizing frenemies. If you have good discernment, no one will try you because you know their angle. Foolishness will not enter your circle because you have no time for it. I understand that best friends have disagreements, and say hurtful things. In most cases, the friendship will never be the same. If I don't like someone, I'm
not going to be phony with them. No, I'm going to have little dealings with them. To me, being a frenemy is the same as being two-faced, because you can't stand a person, but you smile in their face like nothing's wrong. People better stop being flaw, and start being real. You're not obligated to like everyone, and that's ok. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.