Jun 6, 2013

Forgive & Forget: On My Terms

Hurt is a part of life. Everyone has been hurt, will be hurt, or is hurting right now. For those who haven't been hurt, it's only a matter of time because people are flawed. Some people deliberately hurt you, others don't mean to hurt you (but they do). Those who deliberately hurt you, at least you know where they stand, and you can avoid them or deal with them from a distance. If someone hurts me deliberately, they are showing me their true colors. Once someone shows me their true colors, it's a wrap. I choose not to deal with them because who's to say they won't try to do it again? One strike is all I need, and I'm gone. Everyone is familiar with the phrase "forgive & forget", right? I believe in forgiving, but not forgetting. If you forget, you'll fall for their mistakes again. People do what you allow, always remember that. At some point, you must wise up to how a person is, and deal with them accordingly. Some people can forgive & forget, while others the healing process takes time. Some hurts are so deep that it takes time for a person to forgive & forget. For example, sexual abuse is one of those tragedies you CANNOT just get over. Most sexual abuse occurs between loved ones, and for someone to violate a person in that way is shameful. The hurt from that stems so deep, that the victim is going to need counseling, and much prayer to get over that anger/bitterness. I will say this: People who say forgive & forget are the ones who have a hard time admitting when they're wrong. These people expect others to give them a pass for their mistakes, but hold it against someone if they foul up. People like this do not make good friends, employees, mates, etc. because they can't take responsibility for their transgressions.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.