May 9, 2014

Response to "Question"

One of my faithful readers Khrystle Nichole posted a very good response to my blog message "Question"
Khrystle Nichole With the state of black marriage already being what it is, pretty low, I think such a law would only further discourage blacks from getting married. Furthermore, as you stated, there would have to be provisions in such a law that would allow a woman who was being abused could exit that marriage. However, yet still, having provisions to allow divorce for an abused spouse would likely only further victimize the victim. You would also have those who will lie about being abused in order to get a divorce. If we are really a free country, we can’t start telling people how often they can get married. Next, we will be telling people how many children to have too. We will be no better than any other dictatorship. I think most women initiate divorce because in the final analysis, women are more honest than men. They are more honest to say the relationship isn’t working. When a woman is done, she’s done and she wants to just get on with her life. Men will hang around in a bad relationship for years complaining to his friends, family, other women and anybody else who will listen about how bad his wife is. Yet he won’t seek to resolve that union. I do think people should take more time to know themselves and be honest with themselves about what they want in a life partner. Too many people settle for less when they want more.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.