Nov 6, 2015

Say It Loud, I'm A Side Piece & I'm Proud

Say It Loud, I'm A Side Piece & I'm Proud (repeat hook 10x)

Once upon a time, some women had morals about themselves. I remember being a side piece was frowned upon, but as time went on, more women started to embrace being the other woman. I just shake my head at it all, because it's none of my business. Personally, if a woman wants to degrade herself like that, that's her choice. The crazy thing about this side piece phenomenon is that the man is upfront in saying he's not leaving his woman for her, yet she still consents to secret sexual escapades. If I never had incentive to get in a relationship, this nonsense sealed the deal. I mentioned in a previous blog how side pieces are taking the place of main spouses, and a Facebook post from a group I'm in just proved it. Men can be sides just like women, only difference I see is that men seem to keep it on the low, whereas some women broadcast their side woman exploits. 
In a side situation, both the married man and side woman are scum. The man's foul because he's violating his vows he took before her & God, and the side woman is foul because she's partaking in destroying a household. I don't respect that. In addition, the married man's wife is the biggest fool of all for co-signing the arrangement. Where's HER worth? It doesn't make sense getting married if you're going to have another person on the side; you might as well get into polygamy. (or polyandry for women, if a woman wants to have multiple men) One woman (who shall remain nameless due to confidentiality) said: "I'm not a side woman, I'm THE side woman" The married couple seems to know about her, so I guess he's ok with the arrangement. It couldn't be me, that's all I know.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.