Jul 10, 2012

Nice Isn't Enough

Ask anyone what they look for in a man/woman and the first thing that comes to mind is "a nice guy" or "a nice woman". Sounds good right? Right, until you really start getting to know him/her. What I'm getting at is just because a man or woman is nice, doesn't mean they're right for you. It takes more than being nice to make a relationship work. A couple has to be in sync for a relationship to work. Just because a person is nice doesn't mean that you should be in a relationship with them. They could be nice with no goals and ambition, they could be nice and make stupid decisions. So being a nice person is important when coupled with other important attributes. On the other hand, you have ambitious people with personality/character flaws whereas you have a nice person that's content at their level but wants to do right by you. It boils down to what one will/won't accept. I have standards like the next person but if I meet a God-sent woman who's on my level but is lacking in some areas, I'll work with her on where she's lacking because I believe in helping my lady be the best she can be in all areas of her life. They could have the looks, the fat bankroll and all of the material trappings, but are morally, spiritually and emotionally bankrupt. Being nice is a wonderful trait to have if it's combined with other important character traits. A man does everything for his woman to get in her good graces which is good but over time, she may start outgrowing him because she's wondering if there's more to this guy than just being nice. She enjoys the benefit(s) but doesn't want the person. He was led to believe he would have a future with her. Here's a classic line most men & women use: "You're a nice man/woman but you're not the one for me". Nice isn't enough, more has to be brought to the table in order for a happy relationship. There will be someone who appreciates a nice person for who they are, not what they can become, or what benefits they provide.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.