Jan 9, 2015

Praying For Your Enemies

I know God's word, so I know it says to love my enemies. I have no problem with loving my enemies because that's what God commands, even if I may not want to. The problem is that many Christians try to love their enemies in their own strength instead of relying on God's power to help them love their enemy. Some Christians get frustrated when it seems like their enemy is treating them worse each day. Some Christians may do good for a moment, but eventually it'll come crashing down. I'm a firm believer that only God can give his children the power to love those who wish evil upon them. In doing so, God will take vengeance on his enemies; when God metes out justice, it's far more serious than man's justice. No matter how tough praying for your enemies is, as a child of God it releases you for one reason: Your enemies don't know what they're in for, and they will continue on their road until they reach the point of no return. Once a person reaches the point of no return, they're toast. That's when God's judgment falls upon them and by then it's too late. The point of no return is that area where there's no hope of redemption. No one should want to reach that point because once you get there, it's a wrap. Well-meaning people can wish for a better outcome for the offender, but the offender put themselves there by their actions. They chose to continue in wickedness until they reached no-man's land. The only recourse is judgment.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.