Oct 21, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

The title of this Strawberry Letter is Secrecy. There's a saying that continues to ring true: If you go looking for something, you probably won't like what you find. This woman and her husband were on good terms when all of a sudden, she discovers that he's been texting another woman while she was asleep. She goes into his phone and prints out the texts, and shows them to him. After showing him these texts, she proceeds to go snap off on him. I want to feel sorry for her, but I can't because her gut feeling should have told her something wasn't right in her relationship. Anytime someone is texting another person in secret, they don't want their (wo)man to know they've got someone else on the side. It's just a matter of time before (s)he leaves their current relationship for another one. Privacy doesn't go out the window once a couple gets married. If anything, privacy should be that much stronger because some things your spouse may not be able to handle. Then again, if your spouse is being secretive, then maybe (s)he is cheating, and doesn't want you to know. This is why I say that you really don't know someone like you think. People aren't going to tell their partner everything, just the parts that sound good. In marriage, couples should expect that their partner won't tell them every little thing. There needs to be some level of privacy, even in marriage. At the same time, couples should be comfortable enough with each other to tell everything, even the ugly details.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.