Jul 18, 2013

Respect Yourself

I approve this message 100%. If a woman doesn't respect herself, she can't expect a man to respect her. Respect will always be a 2-way street. The respect factor goes double for a couple in a committed relationship. What woman wants to spend her life with a man who doesn't respect her? No Bueno. Then again, some women have low self-esteem that they will tolerate disrespect from her man, so she won't have to be alone. Usually, these women are tired of being alone so they settle for a no-good man. I feel like this: A disrespectful woman DOES NOT deserve respect from anyone, let alone a man. Look at her ratchet conduct, and tell me you would respect a woman who's acting out of character. I have a hard time respecting women WHO don't behave in a worthy manner. It's very simple: To get respect, you have to earn it. There are some women who believe ALL women deserve respect, regardless of how ratchet she is. I have a hard time following logic like this. I appreciate the loyalty of some women, but the stand-up women can easily become tainted by the unruly ones. There's a saying that I go by, and it fits: The majority dictates the whole. Simply put, if the majority of people are foul, then the entire population is foul, even if a select few don't partake in foolishness. Stand-up women who condone disrespectful women are not a good look; What fellowship does light have with darkness? NONE. If you're condoning the actions of disrespectful women, then that means you support ratchet behavior; most likely you partake of such behavior yourself. In case some people forget the text in the picture, I will repeat myself: It's a man's job to respect a woman, BUT it's a woman's job to give him something to respect. Then again, I steer clear of nonsense, so that's why I don't have the conundrums of most people. I respect those who respect me; that will never change. Flipping the script, some women respect themselves and those around them, and many stand-up women STILL get disrespected by some men aka clowns. It's a Catch 22.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.