Jul 24, 2023

Reasons Why The Black Community Will NEVER Thrive

This message may be harsh, but it needs to be said:

Reasons Why the Black Community will NEVER prosper (Disclaimer: I don’t want to hear πŸ’© about “other races”)

1. Jealousy-Some of us don’t trust each other, let alone work together. Other races & ethnic groups have came over & surpassed blacks, and here we are…still fighting among each other. Honestly, I don’t go to any majority black events because 95% of them end in gunplay or fighting.

2. Infrastructure-How many black neighborhoods are drug & violence-free? I’ll wait…There’s a reason why gentrification hits black communities first.

The only way for the black community to survive is Divide & Thrive: The reprobate blacks have their own world to destroy themselves, and the blacks who want to build together have their own community.🀷🏾‍♂️ 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.