Mar 20, 2013

The REAL Reason Why People Cheat

People cheat because there's someone willing to cheat with them. It has nothing to do with insecurities or the grass being greener on the other side. There it is, the TRUTH. People come up with all kinds of reasons for someone cheating: (S)he wasn't emotionally available, they're never home, she works too late, he spends more time with his friends, etc. Their excuses have excuses. Some reasons for cheating are valid, but others are baloney. If you're going to cheat, make sure the reason is valid. Don't shuck & jive like like (s)he isn't this, that, and the other. That annoys me to the core when people make excuses for why they cheat. For every person that cheats, there's someone willing to cheat with them. Think about it, could you cheat on your spouse with yourself? Negative. You need a willing participant (usually a complete stranger). You and another person go on a few dates, get to know each other. Both of you open up to each other about relationship woes and before you know it, clothes come off and you find yourself in bed with someone else. Just like in arguments, there has to be two participants. One person is not going to argue with themselves, because they will look crazy. Cheating works the same way, it requires two willing participants. Personally, cheating is a waste of time. Why go through all the trouble to cheat on your spouse? If you're not happy, LEAVE. There's nothing like leaving a relationship with your head held high, knowing you did everything possible to make the relationship work, but to no avail.

New Black Woman=Brazilian Women?

Yesterday, I discussed why Men Delay Marriage. I gave the top reasons why men delay marriage, and I went further by expanding on those reasons. I posted this blog on facebook and it was a hit, drew over 100 responses. As the discussion got deeper, I stated how some black women refuse to do an about face and it's that refusal that will cause black men to look elsewhere. There seems to be a major phenomenon of black men looking for companionship in Brazilian women. Whether it's true that Brazilian women come with less drama remains to be seen, but according to many black men, non-American black woman respect the man's role and has less attitude. I'm not getting into the black men vs. black women wrestling match, because God knows there's more than enough venom spewed on the net about how black men & women aren't worth spit, and so on. Some black women think their degree makes them marriage material, when that's not the case. As stated before, a degree means you have the knowledge & skills to do that job. Many parents and grandparents had longstanding relationships and they didn't have big bank accounts, degrees behind their name or a big house. For some women, their degree is their man and they spend close to a lifetime chasing multiple degrees as a full-time student, aka degree whoring. The most important reason why men delay marriage or not get married, is that there's no benefit for them. It seems like marriage is more for the woman, than the man.
I can't relate to what many men are going through regarding bad American Black women, because I don't check for them. If something is toxic, I stay away from it. I don't want toxicity in my life or around me, period. All this rah-rah about Brazilian women being better than American black women is simply a cover-up for some men. There's something within them that is attracted to these toxic women. Honestly, some men love bad women. They love toxic women just so they can have a reason to whine about how all black women aren't this, that and the other. All non-American black women aren't docile like many black men think. Carribean black women are some feisty creatures; a man tries to control them, she don't play that. Yes, some Carribean black women are very submissive, but that's because their men do right by them. As long as a man treats his woman like a queen, he will live like a king. Women, regardless of ethnicity, will not tolerate domineering men. Flipping the script, if some black women are crying about the lack of quality black men, and there's an exodus of successful, upstanding black men to non-American black women, the issue lies with HER, not him. I have to be honest, many black men are abandoning black women because they are sick of trying to school ABW on how to keep good black men. Some have the "take me as I am" mindset and refuse to make the proper adjustments. When the good men are gone, all some black women have are housecats and vibrators. Then what? So keep up the "If we're so bad, leave us alone and get a non-American black woman" attitude. Sadly, some black women will not care. Then they will sit back and wonder where the good black men are, or they'll pray and ask God to send them a good man.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.