Jul 8, 2016

Part 1: RIP, Pro-Police and Black Lives Matter

Disclaimer: If you're expecting anti-police rhetoric in my post, you will be disappointed because I don't go for that. Just like every profession, you have your good & bad, but unfortunately the bad can mess it up for everyone. I'll take it one step further, I'm expecting to be called a coon, Uncle Tom, or whatever just because I won't get on the "I Hate Police" train. Or, just do yourselves a favor and delete me. I've never cared about being deleted and I'm not about to start now.

Every time a black man is shot down in the street, there are three groups of people: 1. The Black Lives Matter Crowd-These are the people who shout Black Lives Matter WHEN it comes to an officer shooting an unarmed black person. These same people turn a blind eye to the black-on-black genocide going on in the hood. Do you see BLM protesting against inner-city violence? Negative, but they're out there when a cop is investigated for killing an unarmed black person. Black Lives MUST matter to blacks before they matter to anyone else, period.
2. Pro-Police crowd-These types support law enforcement officers, good and bad. They understand there are good cops who do right, but sometimes overlook the corrupt officers. For the people saying how the police should pull out and let residents of ghetto neighborhoods fend for themselves, how do you think that would go over? I'll wait. Even though many inner-city residents distrust the police, deep down they'll still call the police when they're a victim. All that "F The Police" propaganda is just that, PROPAGANDA. You can be pro-police and expect law enforcement to be held accountable for misconduct.
3. RIP-This group makes statuses saying RIP Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, etc. when the majority don't know those people personally. Let's Be Clear: My heart goes out to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile's families. Black Men had prices on their heads for decades now, and it started with removing the father from the home (The only way black women could get public assistance was if the father wasn't in the home). Everyone wants to say RIP for fallen black men, but what about RIP for INNOCENT officers? Most of the time, the shooter(s) take out innocents instead of the actual perpetrators. The innocents didn't kill that man, so why do they have to die? That mess is foul.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.