May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an annual holiday to pay respects to our fallen soldiers. Our deceased service(wo)men have paved the way for us to enjoy the freedom we have, and I'm grateful to them for that. To me, the ultimate sacrifice one can make is to lay down his/her life for the greater good, and that's what Memorial Day is all about, that ultimate sacrifice. Current military service(wo)men celebrate Memorial Day to pay homage to those who came before them. What do Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and other federal holidays have in common? We get a few paid days off work to enjoy our families under hamburgers & hotdogs, BBQ chicken, and the fixings. When Memorial Day was first celebrated, there weren't cookouts. Memorial Day was a time to remember our fallen soldiers, which if it wasn't for their sacrifice, we would not have the freedoms we do today. Fast forward to 2015, and Miami, Atlanta, and other major cities have big Memorial Day Weekend shindigs; get in the club until such and such time for free, folks having cookouts, etc. I bet you none of these revelers could tell you the significance of Memorial Day, but they can tell you where the party's at. I'm not a party person anyway, so I could care less about cookouts. I honor Memorial Day the way it's supposed to be honored, by remembering our fallen soldiers. To all our fallen soldiers: Thanks for making the ultimate sacrifice. May You Never Be Forgotten.

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Is she stupid? No really, is she STUPID? She's crushing on a 14-year old when she's seeing the older brother. Never mind the legal ramifications that could take place if she follows through, but she could lose her job and teaching license. With these high-profile cases of teachers sexing their students, she better be careful. Besides, she's seeing the older brother so what's up? I could understand her having sexual thoughts and feelings for the older brother because he's around her age. The older brother and this teacher are at the same stage in life, so they have more in common. What could a 14-year old boy and this teacher have in common? She's a professional, and he's in school. At 14, this boy is thinking with his other head. He's looking at an attractive teacher thinking if he smashes, he'll be a celebrity among his friends & peers. I understand there are mature teenagers, but this 14-year old boy can't be that mature to where he's saying what an older woman wants to hear. 
I can't be too hard on this teacher because she understands it's wrong. She's got too much to lose and she's not trying to lose her professional career. Moving him out of her class, cancelling after school sessions and getting moved to a higher grade level are good moves she made, but I think she can still work with the student, just keep it professional. If the student needs extra help, the 14-year old can continue seeing her for tutoring, but the conversations CANNOT be personal. Keep the conversations academic-related. She knows where her mind can go, so it's best for her not to put herself in that predicament. Some teachers have such an impact on their students that sometimes, they let their personal feelings cloud their professional judgment. Since she's dating the older brother, focus on him. Besides, I'm sure the older brother would be livid if she told him about her sexual feelings & thoughts for his little brother.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.