Oct 12, 2012

Lame Is...

-Lame Is When a woman expects a man to do this, that and the third for her but she's not bringing anything to the table.
-Lame is when a man feels that just because he's bringing the money home, he can do what he wants with no accountability.
-Lame is when women get passes for living with their parents until 25 or 30 but it's frowned upon for a man to do the same (even if he's saving up for his own place)
-Lame is when you ask someone about their finances on the first date. Red flags all across the board. Asking about finances so soon signals you're checking for someone's pockets, NOT THEM.
-Lame is when a woman expects a man to deal with her attitude/baggage when she won't tolerate one iota of his nonsense.
-Lame is when you require someone to give you the world when you don't even have a passport.
-Lame is when a mother puts her man over her children. WTH? Your kids were there before him.
-Lame is when you're in a relationship and want to live like your single. Newsflash: You lose all freedom when you get into a relationship.
-Lame is wearing stripper shoes and expecting not to be judged.
-Lame is buying a new car every year when your car runs good AND IS PAID OFF.
-Lame is booty dancing in the club on Saturday night and in church the next morning praising God like the mess ain't wrong. Really? 
-Lame is when you ridicule someone for a disability. I don't play that AT ALL and will check it on the spot.
-Lame is ignoring someone back in school but when you see them successful, you're checking for them. Exit stage left (or right, but either way EXIT)
-Lame is a woman who can't, doesn't, won't or has no desire to learn how to cook. The old adage is true ladies, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
-Lame is when people expect Obama to fix in 4 years what Bush screwed up in 8. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Obama inherited a weak economy when he stepped in office. People think Romney/Ryan gonna go hard for the middle class and poor? Chile Please.
-Lame is thinking arguments are healthy in a relationship. They ARE NOT. Most people don't know how to argue without cussing & hollering, cheap shots, etc.
-Lame is women saying men are women haters, he's gay, hates his mother because a man has the courage to put a woman in her place, therefore he tells her in so many words she's full of crap.
-Lame is using deflective maneuvers to shift the focus off the intended target. 
-Lame is men who don't take care of their responsibilities.
-Lame is women who enable sorry men. I can understand helping a man get back on his feet but he should also be making moves on his own.
-Lame is when men and women complain about their no-good spouse but they knew or should have known they weren't compatible from the start.
-Lame is when you lay down with someone and have their child(ren), then say they're no good. WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?
-Lame is when blacks ridicule black people who want to make something of themselves. The critical blacks take pride in being a goon.
-Lame is when women are attracted to thugs instead of stand-up brothers but get mad when a stand-up guy rejects her after leaving the thug who gone upside her head.
-Lame is men who all they look for in a woman is her big booty and cute face.
-Lame is rejecting the wisdom of your elders especially since they have been down the same road you're traveling. They can tell you what does & doesn't work.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.