Mar 18, 2013

My Education Makes Me Better Than You

Ladies...we dont care nothing about your academic/professional accolades/title that yall think we are "supposedly" intimidated by; ask the many of the rest of your 'types' that still DOESNT & CAN'T BAG A MAN :) — with
My View: This is an issue many men have with women. Women love to tout how they have this & that education (which is good), but conduct-wise, they have nothing to show for it. When a man is strong enough to check a woman, she throws out belligerence: You hate your mother, your gay, you hate women, etc. It's nauseous. If she was so educated, why is she carrying on like a project woman? *Crickets & tumbleweeds* I'm proud of everyone that furthers their education because it shows they have the drive to better themselves. Your degree makes you no better than the blue-collar worker at the auto plant, or the Administrative Assistant at the doctor's office. Some women need to get off their high horse thinking that because they're so educated, no one can tell them anything. Some black women think their degrees give them self worth. The only thing a degree shows is that you can finish what you started. It gives you the tools & skills to do the job you're going for, THAT'S IT! Just because some black women have a degree behind their name, they are no better than anyone else, so they need to cut it out. Going further, degrees used to carry weight, but not in this economy. People with Master's Degrees competing for jobs at McDonald's and Wal-Mart, because they can't find a job in their field. What about that degree now? My problem isn't with black women who have degrees, my issue is with some black women who feel as though that Master's or Doctorate puts them in the untouchable group. Like the quote says, many of them still can't bag a man.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.