Aug 21, 2012

Interracial Dating

Interracial Dating is no different than regular dating (at least it shouldn't be). Men & Women from different racial backgrounds come together with intentions of building a life together. There was a time where interracial relationships were unacceptable due to the prevalent prejudice back then. Thankfully, we have evolved since the 40's and 50's. I say love shouldn't have any boundaries. If you're feeling someone of a different race/ethnicity, great. Just make sure you're genuinely attracted to him/her and not just to fulfill some fetish you have for black men & women. That's that nonsense right there. Black Women are very loyal to their men. This loyalty goes back to slavery times where when black men were forced into slavery and the black woman was left to hold the family down. Personally, I appreciate ALL the loyal black women who ride for their black men even though some black men come up with nonsense reasons to date outside their race: Black women have too much attitude, argumentative, needy, overly opinionated, etc. There are bad apples in every race, not just black women and for some black men to generalize like that is foul. If you have successful black athletes, more often than not they are with a woman of another race because in their mind, black women are after their money. That may be true in some, but not all cases. You have black athletes who married beautiful black women. I heard a statistic that 78% of black athletes have black wives; 22% are with women of another race. This is my view on Interracial Dating: If you date interracially, make sure it's real. Don't date outside your race because you feel your race is this & that, but do so because you want to build a life with this person. I'll always have love for black women (not because I'm a product of one) because they understand us (black men) better. Granted, I'm open to the love of a good woman regardless of race/ethnicity but I'll always have a preference for chocolate women.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.