Jun 3, 2013

Players Revealed

           I had a conversation with a Facebook friend about this very subject, and this is how the convo went:
"A player is usually a manipulative, deceitful person, its hard to know. They usually end up tripping themselves up. There are usually tell-tale signs. A player shows up and works really really hard to be in your life as much as he can right away. He's extra sweet, too charming and tries real hard to make you believe your life has no value without him. Yes men use sex as a weapon too, so watch how much he brags about what sexual feats he can do for you. He does not give real information about him, he skirts over any details you may ask for. A player moves in real quick for the kill. That first 30 days he is so totally prince charming. Tries to get you hooked on him. Then when he thinks he's got you he backs all the way off and makes you chase him.
He does the minimal he can to keep you hanging while he moves on to his next victim or chase. Watch how big his ego is...that's a huge red flag you have a player on your hands.
He's all flash and no substance. He doesn't talk much about real life things that should be close to him like family, details about his job, as a matter of fact he paints himself to be that guy who's life is almost too good to be true. Material things are high on his list of priorities. He'll want you to do lots of stuff for him, while he barely does anything for you.
ACTUALLY A player is easier than you think, he tries to make you think you're lucky to be with him, his ego will be his greatest down fall, he can't resist flirting and will often go to the bath room or check on his car and if you watch he'll have something to say to some girl or the waitress when he walks away from you. He's usually in a hurry because he has others to bless with his presence, and is in a hurry to get you into bed, (but of coarse it's be cause he's so taken by you) and if he gets turned down a couple of times he'll go bless some other lady with his affections cause that's all he's really interested in. UNLESS he's real player and then he'll walk through hell and high water until he does score and his giant ego is soothed. One golden rule to remember, if he's instantly too good to be true....He probably is. yes they dress well and know how to talk and usually are good at pleasing you sexually. but a true player gets you to spend your money, invest your time, change your plans or schedule to accommodate them. and they will be the perfect person until they are done with you then they drop you never to be heard from again. and a real player will play off your emotions and never use any of theirs. As for a true player, it is not so much about sex as it is their EGO. They crave feeding their ego by seducing you with what they think you want to hear. The more you respond to them, the more euphoric it is to them. It's a fix they need to uplift their own insecurities within themselves. They are very charming, funny, very good with words, initially very available. They appear to be humble and very caring to others, when in fact they only care about themselves. They love the chase and conquering of the whole process. Once they have you at your peak of wanting them, they'll back down and run to the next victim. "


Spot On. The problem lies with women who entertain these types, then cry & paint all men as dogs after being hurt.


Oh yes!!! The women who *enjoy* bad boys deserve what they get. I feel no sympathy for them. The thing is, men like this pursue ALL KINDS of women, not just the women who seem to "want" them on the surface. They'll prey on lonely women - GOOD women, but lonely ones- and take advantage of their vulnerability. They go after strong women, religious women, educated women, etc. I had great male friend of mine tell me recently "Jeannine, you are a challenge to men. You are like Mt. Everest, and the smoothest players want to CLIMB you. Want to be able to say that they conquered a woman like YOU. They FAIL miserably with you though lol" And it's so true!! These "players" are so used to weak-minded women who bow at their COMMAND and women that become slaves to their CHARM. That is not me and will NEVER be me! But these men and their EGO believe that my mind can be changed. So they'll try to deceive me...lie about themselves to impress...charm me...compliment me to death...stare EVER SO DEEPLY into my eyes. **I've GOT her** Umm...NO dude. I'll enjoy your compliments but I'm not swayed by them;I appreciate your charm but I'm not giving you SHIT until you show me your authenticity; Stare at me ALL you want but I can see your TRUE INTENTIONS in those bedroom eyes. Ms. Carswell will MIND-FUCK you better than you could ever do her!! Nigga I will flip the script on you!! They ALWAYS feel so stupid by the time I'm finished with them. It's really amusing for me. Bad People sometimes need a taste of their own medicine.


The strongest of women aren't immune to being duped. Men hunt, observe, we stalk our prey. All women have vulnerable moments, and men play off that. Once a woman lets her guard down, BOOM! A player moves in for kill. It doesn't matter how discerned a woman may be, a player will always adapt to the kind of woman he's with.


Oh yes. And that goes for the man or the "player" also. I actually don't mind letting my guard down at certain points. However, I'm excellent and getting a man's guard down if I really want to also. So it ends up being this "battle" of wills, ya know. I love to f*ck a player's mind up - has happened many times.
Lastly, a man's desire for pussy or taste for "conquering" should have some kind of boundary. A man shouldn't be willing to be EVIL and crush hearts unnecessarily JUST to fuck somebody. It's not that serious! There's too much "easy" pussy in the world to put a good woman that you do not DESERVE through a bunch of BS. Just because you have a dick shouldn't mean that you lack ALL morals.


True, you gotta be delicate with it. LOL @ these dudes trying to strongarm for coochie. Smh.


Welp. Richard you & I do have our differences. But I can say that we both have very strong minds & willpower when it comes to relationships, and I respect that



When you do post the topic, please add my first reply about players chasing "all kinds" of women too.


I will
A true player goes after all kinds of women.
Professional, working-class, etc.


And I didn't know that at first, as many women don't. But I am absolutely aware now.
I avoid players. They don't turn me on in any REAL way. And if I do stick around (for the amusement), it's just to fuck with them the way they fuck with other people.


Lol, they reap what they sow.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.