Feb 27, 2018

Student Protest

In light of the Stoneman Douglas HS Massacre in Parkland, FL, students have taken to protesting over current gun control laws. In short, student protestors are calling for gun reform. I'm all for gun control just as much as the next person, but these students are protesting out of emotion. They had every right to fear for their lives because the student protesters didn't know if they would make it home. A lot of them lost best friends as a result of a shooter's rampage, but I wonder just HOW educated these student protesters are on the gun laws? They seem pretty educated to me especially since you can research gun laws and reform online. The monster who shot down 17 students at that high school doesn't care about gun laws, he's a criminal. In general, criminals don't respect laws which is why they're criminals.
These students have taken to protesting the NRA. I bet most of those students couldn't tell you about the NRA without researching the organization's purpose, which is to advocate for gun rights. The NRA is DEEP. They're one of the most powerful lobbyist organizations in the country. They put money behind every candidate who supports the 2nd amendment. They're more than 5 million strong so if anyone thinks they're going away, they're mistaken. I'm all for those students protesting, but they're running on emotion. If people want gun control, then make it difficult for dealers to sell at gun shows. Anyone who's been to a gun show knows you fill out paperwork, pay the price for whatever gun you want, and go home. No background check, nothing.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.