Mar 12, 2015

Me Or Her?

Once upon a time, a man broke up with his woman and that was that. Sometimes, he had good reason to leave, other times he left out of haste. It was seldom a man left his woman out of haste because he wanted to make sure he had good reason to leave her. Fast forward to 2015, and you have (wo)men breaking up with their mates and getting back together. When I hear someone say they've been together with such & such person for 8 years on and off, I shake my head in silence because that's bonkers. You break up with someone, then you get back together; rinse and repeat. At some point, you have to make up your mind. If you're going to be with a person, be with them. If you decide to break up with them, do it and stick to your decision. The woman has every right to question her man's feelings for her because he doesn't know who he wants. The first time he and her split, all contact should've been ceased: No e-mail, text, call, NOTHING. Whenever a person decides to leave their mate, unless they have children together, all contact is to cease and desist. 
He needs to make a solid decision on who he wants: His current wife, or his ex. Once he makes a firm decision, he needs to stick to it. If he decides to stay with his current wife, he is to have NO contact with his ex whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with a divorced couple remaining friends, that shows that even though they didn't work out as a couple, they can still be cordial. I can tell by the tone of this letter that he regrets his decision to marry this woman because he wouldn't be keeping tabs on his ex. He married the other woman out of convenience because he doesn't want to be alone. Studies have shown that men are more likely to remarry than women because they need that companionship. It's crazy how a man can get a divorce and 6 months later, he's with another woman. This man is married to his current wife, but he's using the other woman as a rebound in case his current marriage fails; that's why he doesn't want to sever ties with his ex. He wants to know that she'll be there if things don't work out with this woman he's with now.


It's time for another installment of Zing! I got the idea of doing blog zings from my newspaper. As stated before, Zings are like tweets where you speak your mind in 140 characters or less. Here we go with some of my favorite Zings from random Twitter folks.

This is my favorite:

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.