May 21, 2014

Guest Speaker: Angel In Disguise

Today's blog message comes from Angel In Disguise.
Women kill me with this, "A real man would do this or that bull crap. How do you know what a real man should do???? How about putting more emphasis on what a real woman should do and maybe you could INFLUENCE and ENCOURAGE change in YOUR man that you SO desire. Since women like coming up with a LONG laundry list of what men Should do, I put together this list of what WOMEN should do.
A real woman won't put her hands on a man.
A real woman won't violate a man's privacy witho...ut his permission.
A real woman would let her man lead her (after all she chose him).
A real woman wouldn't hop all up in a man's faces cursing and screaming like a fool.
A real woman would use wisdom to cooperate with her man.
A real woman don't make demands to her man.
A real woman knows that she can't control an Alpha male.
A real woman builds her home and not tear it down.
A real woman would not make a CONSCIOUS effort to destroy ANY relationship.
A real woman would simply realize that she isn't compatible with a man and agree to end the relationship.
A real woman won't tell a man what a real man is.
A real woman would ask a man if he wants to be a father beforehand instead of waiting until she gets pregnant and assuming that he will stay with her when SHE decides to keep it.
A real woman would conduct herself as lady at ALL times.
A real woman would never justify her rage just because she is angry.
A real woman does not believe that just because she's mad at her man she can act a darn fool.
A real woman knows how to shut up instead of wanting to get the last word every time.
A real woman doesn't have unrealistic expectations such as believing that her man should value EVERYTHING the same as her.
A real woman doesn't disrupts PEACE in her home.
A real woman creates a loving atmosphere.
A real woman is a pleasure to be around.
A real woman understands that men and women have different roles.
A real woman isn't OPPOSED to building up her man if he has low self-esteem.
A real woman understands that men have feelings too.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.