Feb 7, 2020

Put Respect On Kobe's Name

Oprah's protege Gayle King interviewed Lisa Leslie about her friend Kobe Bryant's death, but Lisa shut that down and didn't go into too much detail. Respect to Lisa Leslie for not taking the bait Gayle threw at her. Gayle did her job as a journalist, but there are lines YOU DON'T CROSS, and Gayle is taking a beating for it. When Kobe retired from basketball 4 years ago, why didn't Gayle King interview Kobe then? Why shade the man now that he's dead? That's a coward move. Gayle wanted Lisa to throw salt on Kobe's name for the sexual assault case that happened over a decade ago. Kobe's wife and children are going through a rough time right now, and the last thing she needs is Gayle trying to tarnish Kobe's legacy. Kobe has done a lot of good for his community, he was a good father & husband, respected by his teammates and coaching staff, etc., no one had anything bad to say about him. 
What Gayle did was foul. I don't care how anyone tries to justify this, she was dead wrong. It's clear she has a motive based on the timing. She waited until Kobe died to interview Lisa Leslie about Kobe's death. Now, I'm reading that she was upset the network aired that interview snippet because it made her look bad, so she went on social media to explain herself. Rapper Snoop Dogg dragged her, 50 Cent called her insensitive, and I'm sure other celebrities are speaking out on behalf of Kobe's family. Personally, I would've interviewed Kobe's closest friends and loved ones AFTER they've had time to grieve. Now was not the time, and the criticism she's facing is proof.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.