Aug 1, 2012

Men Vs. Women: Submission To God

When it comes to hearing from God, women blow men out of the water. I'm being honest. That's not to say that men don't hear from God because they's just that women are more in tune with God because in many families, women are the prayer warriors. They are the ones seeking God on behalf of their family. As much as I appreciate all the prayer warrior women, men need to step their game up. After all, the man is supposed to be the spiritual leader and a spiritual leader takes on the responsibility for those under him. If a man is the head like God ordained, HE'S the one that should be the prayer warrior for his family, not his wife. Another thing I've noticed is that women are more likely to surrender to God because they know he knows what's best. Men will fight tooth & nail with God until they get to a point where they allow God to do his thing. Until now, I've never understood why men have a harder time surrendering to God. Is it ego/pride? Yes, among other things. When a man surrenders to God, he acknowledges he doesn't have all the answers. That is the hardest thing for a man to do is admit he doesn't know everything. Men want to feel like they have the answers for every issue that comes up and if they don't, they feel inadequate. Women don't have this issue because they are secure in themselves to know they can count on God for things they don't understand. Men need to realize that God knows all, and they can come to him for answers to life's many challenges. The revelation a man gets from God, he can pass down to his family. If anything, a man's wife will have a deeper appreciation for him because he took time to seek God for wisdom on how to be the man for his family that God called him to be. Much of what God does falls on the man. Women may surrender first but when a man surrenders to God, amazing things happen! A God-fearing man is a force to be reckoned with.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.