Feb 6, 2014

Hood 2 Hood

Hood 2 Hood is a DVD series that takes you through some of the nation's most dangerous neighborhoods on the East & West Coasts, Midwest & The South. In this DVD series, you have interviews with real drug dealers, gangsters and hustlers who talk about what goes on in their neighborhood, a little about their life, etc. Some of these guys are bold enough to show automatic weapons on camera WITH police in close range. The thing is, these guys have no fear of the law because with their profits from hustling, they can afford a top notch defense. This one group of drug dealers were riding in a nice Chrysler 600 and when the producer was chatting with them, the hustler showed him $75,000 in 2 cases. One briefcase had $50K, the other had $25K. The producer chimes in with statements like "In the hood, some people carry with the intent to kill," etc.
In every Hood 2 Hood DVD I've seen, there's one common denominator: A group of guys talking about how real it is where they live, anybody can get it, they tote iron, all their friends squeeze (shoot), etc. When you're living the thug life, you have to be tough because you're marked for death. You're fighting with dudes in your own hood, rival hoods, etc. so you never know when someone will shoot you down. That's why I couldn't be into the streets full-force, it's too risky. When you don't have hope, you'll look for it in the streets. Even some of the OG's (Original Gangsters) will tell these young cats that you may love the streets, but the streets don't love you. What they mean is that a young brother gives their life for the streets expecting something in return. The streets will give you nothing but jail or death, because at some point your criminal exploits will catch up with you.
Many of the characters in the Hood 2 Hood DVD series were murdered. I remember a story of a 17-year old gangster who showed $100,000 on camera and was bragging about getting money from hustling. Not even a day passed when some guys kicked in his door and put an AK to him demanding where the money is. Soon as they got the money, one of the gunmen shot him. Do I think Hood 2 Hood DVDs glorify carnage in black communities? Yes and No. Yes, because from the statements made, it sounds like the participants are glorifying death & destruction. No, because anyone who's lived in an inner-city neighborhood can tell you about daily life in the hood. Some inner-city residents are sick of the violence, but they can't afford to move anywhere else.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.