Sep 7, 2015

Are You Bitter Or Not?

Welcome to social media, where folks are boo'd up in love. Every other status is dedicated to how much folks love each other; they post selfies together, videos, etc. All is well in their relationship until reality hits; they go from lovey-dovey to can't stand each other. Their fights become so bad they break up on bad terms. Those "I Love You Baby" statuses turn to "I Hate You". Make it so bad, some folks set their relationship status to "single" or "it's complicated" Let me get this straight, y'all went from being lovey-dovey to can't stand one another in 6 months. Sounds like some people didn't do their homework on that person before they got involved. I don't like folks talking down on their ex on social media. It makes you look bitter, and if it's over, keep it moving. That ex isn't thinking about you, and why should (s)he?
They've moved on with their lives, and you're stuck making statuses about them, not realizing they probably don't have a social media account, or if they do, it's set to private because they don't want folks in their business. She was all in love when he was knocking her back out; he was in love with her when he was hitting that cervix. It's crazy how some couples can be lovey-dovey one minute, and at each other's heads the next minute. If you're no longer in love with someone, keep it moving. Littering your social media account with statuses about your ex makes you look bitter. No (wo)man wants to deal with someone who hasn't healed from their last relationship. It's a turnoff to talk down on one's ex on social media. If I'm getting to know a woman, and the entire conversation is an ex-bashing fest, my first impression is that she hasn't gotten over her ex.

The Other Side Of Malcolm X

Pro-blacks respect Malcolm X because he exposed white supremacy. He was also militant in his approach for black equality, but a lot of pro-blacks don't realize Malcolm X was balanced, meaning he condemned destructive behavior in the black community: Single mothers having children out of wedlock, black men shooting & selling drugs to each other in the hood, etc. Because Malcolm X spoke out against the ills among the black community, Muhammad put a price on Malcolm's head and had him assassinated. He was well-rounded when addressing issues & people; wrong is wrong no matter who it comes from. Some blacks give each other passes for wrongdoing, but are quick to blame whites. In case some folks didn't hear me the first time, I'll repeat: WRONG IS WRONG. 
Time out for blacks excusing wrongdoing from their own because the same black person blacks go to bat for is the same one who would throw them under the bus to clear their name. This is what I've noticed among pro-blacks: Black people can come together to crucify white folks, but as soon as a black person condemns destructive behavior in the black community, here comes the terms Uncle Tom, coon, and sell-out. I'm pro-black first & foremost, but I'm not going to excuse wrongdoing from blacks. If that makes me an Uncle Tom, coon or sell-out, I'll be that. The black community will never become great unless blacks learn how to work together, and that includes condemning destructive behavior. That's the reason Malcolm X was killed, because he had the courage to condemn destructive behavior among blacks, and some NOI members didn't like it.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.