May 27, 2015

Paying Bills=Free Pass To Cheat?

I read a photo on Facebook that says: Yes or No? When your man pays all your bills, you mind your business when he cheats. I'm looking at this from both sides: From the cheater's standpoint, I'm saying yes because if he's paying the woman's bills, then she can't get in her feelings about his indiscretions because he can threaten to stop paying her bills if she has a problem with it. Double Standard Alert: If the shoe was on the other foot & the woman was cheating, but she was paying the bills, she would be called everything under the sun. The bottom line is that cheating is unacceptable no matter who pays the bills. Just because one is the breadwinner doesn't give them the green light to creep. This is why both parties should have their own in a relationship because there are some people who really believe that if a man's paying a woman's bills, he has the right to cheat. Even if I had it like that, I wouldn't pay all of my mate's bills. This is a form of manipulation because you're forcing someone to accept your mistreatment of them in exchange for them paying your bills. The way I'm set up: I couldn't take advantage of someone like that, nor would I expect them to allow me to. Some people are a trip thinking that just because they pay your bills, they are excused from infidelity. Sad thing about it, some people like the arrangement because for them, at least they're taken care of.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.