Sep 12, 2015

Count The Cost

Everything has a cost, whether you like it or not. There's a cost for going to college and/or grad school: Most of your time is spent pursuing knowledge, completing assignments and networking for your future career. The cost is less time for a social life, but that's the price you pay for choosing to better yourself. So you want to get married, great. The cost? You give up the single life to be with someone. You can't go into marriage with a single mindset, but so many people try and fail. You want to be a goon? Great. The cost of being a goon is legal issues because the police and District Attorney will have it in for you because they see the carnage you cause in your city and want you off the street quick. If I'm an investor looking to invest in a business, I'm counting the cost: I'm weighing the risks and benefits of investing before I agree to put up my money. It's only right because it is my money, and I want a good return on my investment. No matter what you do, count the cost.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.