Jan 31, 2018

What’s On My Mind?

This was last year, before Trump took office and did the right thing by declaring Israel as Jerusalem’s capital. I would’ve posted this sooner, but it wasn’t the right time.

The real reason Obama backstabbed Israel the way he did last week (10/24/17) are:

1. Barack Hussein is Muslim (FACT) and has hated Israel and America from day one. The fact that America has always protected the Holy Land because of our loyalty to God’s promises and nothing else. Obama in the last 8 years has only been loyal to his Muslim Brotherhood friends, that includes Saudi Arabia and Iran.

2. Obama did this on purpose to try to mess up Trump and the Republican Party with a smooth transition of power. He knows that this decision will now implicate Trump’s focus the first 120 days of bringing jobs back to America, building the wall, defeating ISIS, now Trump has one more thing on his plate to deal with (the evil UN), so that it distracts his time from rebuilding America for the future. Obama is a snake and if I were Trump I wouldn’t want him at my Inauguration. That scum of Obama should be banned from attending the inauguration (him and his lame friend Kerry). #TrumpAndAmerica #StandWithIsraelAlways #TillTheEndOfDays

He is the only president in history to help enemies of this country become stronger. He's the only president who's been afraid to call our enemies what they are. He's the only president to never have a 3% GDP growth. He's the only president to encourage violence in our own cities. I'm not sorry for speaking my mind, Obama forced American families to choose between healthcare and their homes, all while encouraging illegals to come get free healthcare. Nothing Obama ever did was gracious. Liberals love the fact that he tried destroying America. Radical Islam and Democrats are the only groups that truly hate America.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.