Jun 10, 2013

The Friend Zone: By Dahlia (How To Be A Woman)

Intro: Dahlia (How To Be A Woman) puts men on blast about the Friend Zone. Read On
Fellas, I want to talk to you guys for a moment. Never allow yourself to be put in the friend zone, ever. I don't care what Guy Code or what simp books say, don't you dare let yourself be put in the friend zone. Women do not respect a man in that zone.

When a women puts you in that category, she wants the most benefits from you without having to commit to you or sleep with you. Typically if she puts you in that zone, she's talking to another man, she's in a relationship, she's using you to boost her ego, she's using you to trick your money to her and/or she views you as a "brother". Women, for the most part, do not respect 3 types of men: men who aren't dominate and don't lead, men who are simps and men in the friend zone. Don't wait for her to change her mind, because she really won't and don't simp to her, she'll use you to boost her ego and get free things from you. Women like to work for their men, because things you work for have value. If she doesn't have to work for you, she doesn't value you, so why should you be her man?

If she puts you in the friend zone, switch your game up! Become distant and unavailable. If she wants you to buy her something or take her out, make it seem like you don't have anytime for her. Tell her you're going on a date or your with hitting a spot with many beautiful women (not a strip club), even if you aren't. Also, holler at her friends and watch her switch her game up. If you talk to her friends, her ego will be frazzled because you were bold enough do it. And women like competition. Sometimes, women don't see a man as worth it unless he has other women around him. Or, just charge her to the game. Move onto women that are worth your time. You must never allow a woman to compromise your manhood. Value yourself as a man. You have to believe that you are worth something greater than the damn friend zone. Put yourself on and move onto bigger and better opportunities. Deal with women who will value your worth, your game and your masculine energy. If she doesn't, charge it!

The friend zone is the twilight zone, just a ball of confusion. You get what you allow. Value yourself, get out of that situation and move onto something worthwhile. Fellas, real men strive for the best, so don't lower yourself to the friend zone. Always value yourself as a man.

~ Dahlia ♥

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.