Apr 8, 2022

Make 'Em Mad

These jokers are something else. Russell Wilson has been criticized from Day 1 for treating Ciara right. This is a man that's raising Future's son as HIS OWN, and these dudes are pissed about that? Cut the crap. Would these dudes praise Russell Wilson for running around on Ciara? Sounds like it. I bet if Russ was dropping babies from the West Coast to the East, they would give him all kinds of props, but since Russell is taking care of his family & minding his business, some men take issue with that. Rapper Plies said some real stuff in regards to Russell Wilson: He doesn't hate on anybody, he minds his business & takes care of his family. It gets no realer than that. The reason why I added "Make It Make Sense" to the above stat is because I know someone is going to try and make sense of Russell Wilson being criticized for doing right by his family. It doesn't make sense & it's sad that some people aspire to be trash examples of manhood. Future is trash. I don't respect any man that drops babies & doesn't take care of them. She was good enough to sleep with, but not good enough to raise a child with. All these bitter men have to do is follow Russell's lead, but they would rather criticize. I like what my FB friend Carla Stoutemire said
The above response nailed it. Most of them are mad because they don't have what it takes to be him. What I like about Russell is he doesn't respond to foolishness. Russ is too busy with football & taking care of his family to worry about these clowns. If I'm Russell, I wouldn't entertain nonsense either. I would continue staying ducked off with my family & football. Most of these men need to get some business.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.