Jan 16, 2016

Lord, If You Bless Me with the winning lotto numbers, I'll start Tithing...

I reposted yesterday's status on my Facebook page and it shows the mindset of some Christians when it comes to financial blessing. It's easy to tithe when your finances are blessed, but what about when you're deciding whether to give that 10% or keep the lights on or gas in the car? Some Christians like to say, "I can't afford to tithe", but I say, "Can you afford NOT to tithe?"

Christians are like: Lord, if you bless me with the winning lotto numbers, I'll start tithing; LIES. If they weren't tithing off their job income, what makes them think they'll start tithing if they hit it big?
Robin Butler They going to give 1 donation to the church and that's their tithe. Not realizing tithing is an act of faith. When you trying to decide to give that 10% or keep the lights on or gas in the car. And you chose to walk back out the door saying, I'll catch up next month.
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Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson That's the thing: "I'll catch up next month" turns into another promise to catch up the following month, and so on.
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Vanessa Duncan
Vanessa Duncan Yes sir... I didn't want all of that money and here's why... I heard a message before @ Church... "Can you really stand to be blessed by GOD" ... Look @ how some folks act with a tax check or a great work check... GOD is the last thing on their minds but when they were praying for that job they were @ Church faithfully... Bible study and every Sunday... Who you are shows when you get a blessing fr
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Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I like that, "who you are shows when you get a blessing."
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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.