Feb 12, 2015

Unfaithful Wife, I Told Him To Invite Her Over

The more I read these Strawberry Letters, the more I'm convinced that almost no one is capable of honoring their wedding vows. It's like everywhere you turn, infidelity is going on. Why get involved with someone if you're going to cheat on them? That's stupid. It's like this, you can get involved with someone and you still don't KNOW them like you think. You're not around that person 24-7, so there's no telling what they're thinking. I don't care what anyone says, no one's completely open with their spouse. People will tell you what they want you to know because if they decide to scheme on you, they don't want to be found out. It seems like military servicemen & women are prone to infidelity because both spouses are apart for several months, sometimes up to a year and in that time frame, one or both could be sleeping with another person. This is why people don't need to be airing their business because they don't know who's watching, and in this instance it was the children who knew about the infidelity.
When it comes to cheating, actions tell the whole story. Being secretive, denial, getting in feelings when confronted about infidelity, and then catching your mate in the act should give him all the clues he needs of a cheating wife. Maybe the wife didn't understand what she was getting into with a military man. She liked the idea of being with a military man, but she doesn't agree with the required separation period. Anyone who's in the military will vouch for the following statement: When someone signs up for the military, their family signs up with them. The reason is while the (wo)man is fighting overseas, the family is taking care of the homefront in his/her absence. This man has all the clues he needs to recognize a cheating spouse, the question remains: What is he going to do? Personally, she would be gone at the first offense. I'm a believer that people do what you allow. If your spouse continually cheats on you, it's because you allow them to. You're scared to be alone so you'll put up with infidelity just to say you have someone.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.