Sep 1, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Ray Charles can see what she should do, why can't she? Her man's cousin is contributing financially, so the cousin feels he has a license to do as he pleases, not realizing that THEY took him in. Otherwise, he probably has nowhere else to go. That said, he's depressed at his situation. He didn't ask to be shot, but how long can someone stay depressed before they need to tighten up? That's crazy. The cousin needs to watch When The Game Stands Tall, and he'll learn a valuable lesson: It's not about falling, it's how you get up that matters. In short, he needs to man up and keep it moving. True, they need the cousin's money, but what is the husband doing to bring in income? Is he employed, unemployed or underemployed? There's too many details left out, but I will say this: The husband needs to tell his cousin to get it together or he has to go, period. It's taking a toll on their relationship, and the house smells like boonk and Hennessy. When you get tired, really tired of a situation, you'll move heaven and earth to change it. She just needs to get so upset that she gives her husband an ultimatum: Either he tells his cousin to help pull his weight, or he has to go. The husband may be upset, but who cares. The husband allowed his cousin to disrespect his home, so he should be the one to tell his cousin what's up. The husband's dead giveaway: His statement about needing the money his cousin's check brings in. Either the husband needs to come up with another hustle, or something. This situation is driving too much of a wedge in this relationship. This whole situation can be prevented by setting boundaries.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.