Oct 2, 2021

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

This vaccine has got people acting stupid. The unvaccinated looking down on the vaccinated & vice versa. The vaccinated accuses the unvaccinated of being selfish because they feel the unvaccinated is putting everyone else at risk by not getting the vaccine, and the unvaccinated accuses the vaccinated folks of living in fear. I feel like this: If you want to get the shot, GET IT. If not, DON'T. I've noticed the unvaccinated has been barking the most about the vaccine mandate across some sectors, saying a mandate is "infringing on their rights". I'm all for rights, but your rights end where mine begins. If your rights starts interfering with mine & others freedom, it's a problem. The Biden administration is pushing for a widespread vaccine mandate, and employees are losing their jobs over their refusal to get vaccinated and bi-weekly testing. If someone doesn't feel comfortable getting vaccinated, that's their right. You can't force someone to get vaccinated against their will. At the same time, if someone feels the vaccine will protect them against COVID-19, they should get the shot and move on. It boils down to choice: Everyone's different, so each person will do what they feel is best for them in regards to getting the shot.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.