Jul 22, 2013

Church Beef

 "I Told You So" isn't one of my favorite phrases, but I utter it from time to time. This is what I don't like: Whenever a church split happens, half or 3/4 of the congregation follows a pastor to his new church. The former pastor badmouths the church, and those who still attend. Ok, if you started a new church, why are you still hating on the old church you left? That's stupid. Are you that bitter because the pastor of your old church hasn't given you the time of day? He refuses to speak ill of you, because his focus is on HIS OWN CHURCH. If I'm a pastor, and I have a successful ministry; I'm not worried about what the next pastor is doing. My focus is on being a shepherd to my congregation, feeding them God's Word, so they can go out and make disciples. If a pastor wants to badmouth another pastor, that's his decision. Understand that he's contributing to the lack of souls being won for God's Kingdom. Unsaved people come to your church looking to get fed, and you go on tirades about how this and that church did you wrong. What message are you sending to the unsaved? Better yet, what does that say to your congregation? No one in their right mind would sit under a ministry that a pastor shoots venom out of their mouth, at least I wouldn't. Just like you can get fed God's word under the right ministry, you can get fed poison under the wrong ministry. Looking for a church is just as important as choosing who to spend your life with, what college you're going to, which job to take, etc. You wouldn't buy the first car you see (unless you already did your homework, and that car has what you're looking for.), so why would you just follow man? That's the problem with some Christians, they idolize man instead of God. When your focus is on a pastor instead of God, God will remove that pastor. He wants all eyes on Him. All these Christians who sit under a poisonous pastor are blind. They don't have sense enough to get out from that church, and look for another church. You want to know why? Finding a church that preaches accountability, and growing in God is TOO MUCH LIKE RIGHT.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.