Dec 4, 2015

It's Not Them, It's You

One thing that irks me is when men and women have bad relationships, they're quick to say all (wo)men aren't worth squat. Look on social media, in magazines, talk to some loved ones and you're guaranteed to hear a few "(wo)men aren't squat" comments. I get that you're hurt, but don't paint every person with the same brush. Admit it, YOU chose them even though you probably knew they weren't a good fit for you. Some of your loved ones tried to warn you that (s)he wasn't good for you, but you weren't trying to hear that. All you were looking at is the outer instead of the inner, and that's what gets a lot of folks jammed up. Folks want someone pleasing on the eyes, I understand that; myself included. Over time, looks fade and there must be something deeper connecting you to them. When I hear a (wo)man say all (wo)men aren't worth squat, I say to myself "If you knew (s)he was good for nothing, what does that make you? You had to have known you two would not work out" I think it's nonsense to label an entire gender as good-for-nothing because you're hurt by the fact you two didn't work out. Remember this, everyone's good for somebody, not everybody is going to be a good match. If more people understood that concept, relationships would be much better off.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.