Nov 12, 2020

Frenemies-Pt. 2

Consider yourself blessed if you have real friends that had your back from childhood; folks you can go to war for and vice versa because everyone isn't as fortunate. Friendship isn't real anymore because you don't know who's in your life for the right or wrong reasons. One red flag is when your so-called friend always has their hand(s) out, but gets in their feelings when you ask them for help. Another red flag is when your friend comes to you with some "tea" about you from someone else. Tell me why your "friend" was so comfortable discussing you with someone else. Lord have mercy if you & your friend fall out, next thing you know your business is all over social media, in the streets, etc. That's the concept of friends turning enemies real fast because it only takes one disagreement for both of you to be at odds. Depending on the strength of the bond, y'all may move past your disagreement or go your separate ways. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.