Feb 27, 2012

Cheaper To Keep Him/Her

It's common knowledge that it's easier to catch a man/woman than it is to keep them. Simply put, what you did to get that prized man or woman, you have to do the same in order to keep them. This is where the problem lies because once a person finds their mate, they think the work is done. Actually, the work has just begun because you have to constantly remind yourself of the work it took to find Mr. or Mrs. Right. Many relationships have fallen by the wayside because the couple is too lazy to maintain that relationship. They don't try as hard as they used to and why should they? They've arrived. A relationship is essentially doomed if the couple gets to a point where they don't have to work at it anymore. Couples need to have a sports mindset in regards to relationships: What I don't/won't do, another will. There are plenty of back-ups waiting for playing time.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.