Jun 27, 2022

Today's Thought

Harsh message, but it needs to be said. I'm tired of reading articles about children and pets dying from being left in hot cars in the summer. Children & pets (even adults) can't endure a hot car for long so why leave them to die? Makes no sense. The only time my dogs are in the car is when we're going for a drive, and I have the A/C on. Otherwise, they stay home while I run errands. With the heat & humidity being like it is, I restrict my dogs outside time to early mornings and late evenings; those times of day it's cooler & they enjoy it better. These tragedies can be prevented if parents and pet owners exercise a little common sense.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.