Dec 17, 2013

Affection Or No Affection?

Scenario: A married woman is caught between two men she loves dearly: 1. Her husband shows her no affection, and 2. Another gentleman who worships the ground she walks on. Her husband feels that they're together for life, regardless of whether he gives her affection or not. This other man is 16 years her junior.
My View: I agree with the husband. Regardless of whether a man shows his woman affection or not, they're together for life. My question to her is, why would she marry her husband if he's not showing her affection? It's no surprise that women need touch several times a day. Women thrive on affection, because it makes them feel loved. A man can go days, weeks, or months without affection and he's fine. You won't hear a man complaining about his woman not showing him love, because some men have other things to occupy their time. A man has to truly love his woman in order to show her the affection she needs. If a man isn't being affectionate with his woman, something's wrong. Either he's cheating with another woman, or he doesn't find his wife attractive. This young man is playing on her emotions. He's telling her what feels good, but he doesn't want a relationship with her. If she was single, it would be a different story. He worships the ground she walks on, because he's not living with her. Here's what I know about men who sleep with married women: They like easy targets, but when you leave your husband and he has to do the heavy lifting, you will be wishing you stayed. Nothing to think about; finish this with the other guy, and work on your marriage. Did it occur to you that you do not have your husband's affection, because he knows he doesn't have yours? Any man will lay with her and talk mess, but won't marry her. She has it twisted; her marriage is loveless because she's giving her loving to another man. Has she tried telling her husband how she feels? Most people don't do that. Cut ties with the young man for a moment, then she needs to tell her husband how she feels, and tell him what she"will" do if he doesn't shape up. If that doesn't wake him up, or he gets angry, yet still doesn't want to change, then she has her answer. Get a divorce, and make a clean break. True, marriage isn't something you just up and throw away, but its only worth salvaging if "both" parties are working to make it better. Otherwise, she's wasting her time. This is  assuming that the problem isn't her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.