Nov 11, 2015

Should A Man Defend A Woman's Honor?

My answer depends on their relationship status. If they're seeing each other, yes. Friends? Of course, friends look out for each other. Anyone else? No. Many men would like to think they would defend a woman's honor, but in reality they wouldn't. The only women a man should defend is his mom, aunt, niece, sister or close lady friend; otherwise, she's on her own. I'm no different than other men in this aspect; I'm going to bat for my mom, nieces, aunt or close lady friend. Any other woman, she's out of gas. Feel how you want, but I'm being honest. Intervention can be tricky because most of the time, she's going back to him, so he defended her for nothing. A man is under no obligation to help any woman in distress, if he does then it's out of the goodness of his heart. 
Too many times, people like running guilt trips on men for choosing not to intervene on a woman's behalf. Now I will help kids with no hesitation, because they can't defend themselves. Besides, an adult woman should know how to defend herself as a last resort. What did she do to put herself in that predicament? Are they a couple? Those are questions to consider before deciding to intervene. A man will always be a man, regardless of whether he intervenes on a woman's behalf or not, so let's stop shaming men into coming to some strange woman's rescue. For all we know, she's going to go back to him, so his help was for nothing. If we're really being honest, there's so much tension between men and women that if a man sees a woman being harassed or attacked, he'll walk right by like it's none of his business.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.