Jan 16, 2015

New Breeds

Today's message is New Breeds, and I'm not talking about the infamous Chicago criminal organization. New Breeds is a term that I've come up with to describe men who take on feminine characteristics. It should be understood that men don't gossip about another man behind his back. If a man has something to say, he says it to that man's face. It seems like today's new breed of men aren't like old-school brothers. Old-school men weren't about shooting their mouths off like rockets about other men. Whatever issue a man had with another, that man took his issue to the offender and they handled it. That's not the case today because you have men threatened by other men for whatever reason, and they want to drag his name through the mud, scandalize his name in the streets. Every time that man comes around, other men huddle together and start gossiping about that man. 
Two things happen with these New Breeds: 1. They play it cool like he's not the object of their discussion (the target knows better) and 2. They'll get online and gossip about whatever man they have a problem with. It's one thing for men to gossip about another man, but it's another when those same gossipy dudes have the nerve to call themselves men. I'm indirectly discussing real men etiquette, so I've got to say this: REAL MEN don't gossip. Men understand that gossiping is unmanly and should be dealt with. I feel if a man's comfortable enough to gossip about another man, he should be comfortable to say what he said to that man's face. These New Breeds don't understand that because many of these dudes have been raised around women. They heard their mama gossip, so he exhibits that same behavior. It's not that guy's fault because he doesn't know any better. He's been raised around women, so that's all he knows is gossiping.
These New Breed of men are something else. It's like the New Breeds have destroyed all manhood protocol, and they decide to get beside themselves and start shooting off at the mouth towards other men. Even worse is these men are ok with telling about the next man. Like my tweet states: I could never bring myself to gossip about another man behind his back. People aren't that important to gossip about.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.