Jan 20, 2016

Repost From Robin Butler

Robin Butler
January 15 at 9:42pm ·
Some people can't understand God's word yet. That's why they sit in church worried about the football game and what they going to eat. Wishing the pastor would hurry up while the man next to them shouting "take your time preacher!".....let me break it down for you.

You know how you feel when your football team down by the 2 point conversation and they make that amazing catch just in time and you run shouting and spraying vodka everywhere....this is the feeling Christians get when they can witness and amen to what the pastor saying bc they been there.

The SUPERBOWL come once a year. Imagine that feeling coming every morning, everyday because of your relationship with God. Not everyone will understand your praise! This is why a child of God can still smile when they going thru because we know we already have the victory. Just like nobody can talk noise to you about your team after they won the game. Nothing they say matter because WE WON!!! ‪#‎Gotthevictory

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.