Sep 24, 2013

If I'm Not Happy, No One Is Happy

"If Mom Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy" & "If she ain't happy, you (the man) won't be happy" are two phrases some women love to utter. Think about it, a man can be handling business when his lady comes out of the blue & starts nagging. Many times, some women don't know why they're nagging, they just do it out of habit. I get that women want quality time with their man, and I'm all for that. There's a different way to go about it. Nagging is a turn-off for any man, and makes many men tune her out completely. Nobody has time to hear someone run their lip 24-7. Look, a woman is more likely to get what she wants if she approaches me in a respectful tone. If some women master this, they will always get what they want from their spouses. Men don't like being talked at, and if a man feels like his woman is talking at him, he won't only ignore her, but he will not go out of his way for her. Some women have been misled into thinking that nagging will get a man to acquiesce. It may work on some men, but he'll do it to shut her up. I'm thankful that my happiness isn't dependent on a woman, or anyone else for that matter. If someone's unhappy, that's their problem. It's not going to stop me from being happy. When I hear those two phrases come out of a man's mouth, I think simp. A simp goes out of his way to please a woman who's not interested in him, so he's going to use the aforementioned statements if it's going to put him in good standing with her. It comes as no surprise that some women who utter these statements are being manipulative, because a real woman would allow her man to make her happy in his own way. A real woman doesn't have to nag to get what she wants out of her man. As long as she's submissive, a man will move heaven & earth to please her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.