Jul 10, 2015

Athletes, Leave Women Alone

Story 1: De'Andre Jordan got into it with a woman at a Tallahassee bar. She calls him a nigger and swings on him. He defends himself, but he gets charged with assault even though she started it. Jimbo Fisher kicks him off the team, and he may be expelled from FSU. Story 2:  Same situation involving Dalvin Cook. Punched a woman several times in a Tallahassee bar last month, HE also gets kicked off the team and may face explusion from the university. That's two talented FSU players that have thrown their football careers away because of assault on a woman. Yes, the two women involved were at fault because they threw the first lick, but as athletes, there's a target on their backs. Everything they do is scrutinized because they're representing their university. I feel like this: College athletes need to stay away from women. Yes, I said it: College football players need to leave women alone because it's obvious some women provoke them to assault. This is why it pays to live low-key because you avoid mess like this. Some women have NOTHING to lose, and will do anything to bring a successful man down. Some of these college athletes don't think about that; all they're thinking about is getting her into bed, and when she doesn't respond the way he wants, he gets in his feelings and puts his hands on her. There goes his future because she presses charges. This is just me: If I'm a star athlete, I'm living low-key. After watching too many athletes catch cases, socking a woman dead in her mouth for hitting me is not worth throwing away my collegiate career. Even if I'm right for defending myself, the courts won't see it that way. They're going to look at her as the victim, and me as the aggressor. That's something I can't risk, so I don't put myself in those situations. 

The State Of The Streets

The way the "streets" are now, it's not like it was growing up in the 50's and 60's. You had loyalty and camraderie among your partners you ran with. If someone in your crew was caught, he did his time and had his homeboys look out for his family. Fast forward to 2015, you have young boys telling on each other. Well, I'm gonna tell on this person, that person, this person and that person. When the investigator gets you alone and offers you a cup of coffee and a cigarette, folks mouths' start flowing like the Mississippi, just telling everything from Day 1. A lot of the reason is because some of these dudes want to get back to one of these broads, so they get their boys to take the fall. I don't condone getting involved in the thug/street life, but if you're going to be "about that life" do your dirt alone, because at least you won't tell on yourself. You can't trust your partners you run with because when the law put pressure on you, little by little you or they're going to fold. The police, DA and the Feds know how to get a confession out of you. I've followed some of the biggest criminal cases to know how this goes: How do you think the Feds are able to take down some of the biggest organized criminal groups in the nation? They have informants that are feeding them information about that group and once the Feds have enough information, they move in and shut everything down.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.