Jul 3, 2023

Hurt People, Hurt People: John Johnson

Repost John King Johnson

I know the saying 'hurt people hurt people' and all. I (based on life experience) am willing to say what's more common is "Uncomfortable people, make people uncomfortable."

Really sit and think about it. Mofos really be at comfortable people, especially comfortable children. I hate and resent how often growing up that either I or another child was harassed, bullied, hit and beaten by a GROWN ASS ADULT because the kid was relaxed and chill.

Humans envy comfort, and don't like seeing it on other humans, so various forms of harassment come into play.

My view: No lie was told. Humans are used to discord that they can’t believe there are well-adjusted drama-free folks. My mission in life is staying as drama-free as possible, and if I have to deal with it head-on or remove myself from the situation, I will. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.