Jun 12, 2013

Wake-Up Call To Men: Stop Simping Movement

If THIS doesn't light a fire under men's behinds, I don't know what will.
STOP Simping Movement
Men of today will put up with anything from brawds because they don't have 'any' standards.

They will put up with anything from women, attitude and all. Women are out of pocket today because men have no standards. They (men) do not have a set of standards they adhere to, they flip-flopping game goofy sons a bitches.

And this is usually what a tender dick puts up with to get laid.

I hear and see women say and type all the time 'that a man must PROVE he's a man before she treats him with any kind of treatment like RESPECT.

And it's usually like that because men put up with bullshit attitudes from women. I'll be DAMNED, if a woman ain't coming with 100% cooperation.

I've had it, I get it, I REFUSE to deal with lower caliber women that cannot bring what I require to the table (QUALITY). Most men think they are lucky because they got a bitch, FUCK THAT!! I've had cooperation and I HAVE cooperation from women. My mindset is I've had it before, I can get it again which I do, I can and I will. I can get better than a bitch with an attitude. I do not deal with women who make my life difficult, and there are women who like to be difficult. I had a woman once tell me "I hope you have money to go with those high demands you make when trying to get women" it's high demands to a bitch who can't MEET my standards and are BELOW me. My standards are high to those who cannot reach out to me and touch me, those who cannot get with or at me. Unlike some people who have OVER EXAGGERATED STANDARDS; I've actually HAD and HAVE what I require from women, most people make standards and they've never had what they are demanding. My standards, that is how I roll, It's how I get down.

Most men THINK having women come at them with half ass cooperation is normal, because that's what they are use to, that's what they are use to putting up with.

When a woman says a man must first show her (whatever she deems worthy of man title) That's a sign she's going to be difficult. A man shouldn't have to prove shit, who the fuck is she?

What the hell do these females think this is?

Coaches do not put players in play that don't submit to them, SO WHY SHOULD A MAN SHOW A WOMAN WHO IS ALREADY GIVING HIM A HARD TIME THAT HE IS A STATE CHAMPION?
She's not even acting like a team player, or like she wants to be drafted.

Generals do not lead armies of rebellious soldiers into the field of battle, knowing it will up the chance they'll lose with an idiot in the ranks, so why should a man show a woman anything, IF SHE CAN'T STAND AT ABOUT FACE AND TAKE ORDERS LIKE A GOOD SOLDIER?
Pack your bags, go home, we do not need you.

STANDARDS, that's what I'm talking about, GET SOME!!! If women aren't showing you respect and cooperation up front, do not bother with them. -SSM.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.