Aug 2, 2013

Why Are You Single? By Trina Rogers

Young and young-minded females have a few subconscious issues to resolve. Why are they single? Of the many answers I have been presented with, one response has never been stated with all honesty. I've heard the ones who say 'I want this type of man', 'he has to be able to handle a woman like me', 'there are no good men', 'they're all gay or married'. Typical deflection if you ask me. But what about this response: I need my life (heart, body, mind and soul) to be completely ready for when God sends him to me. Some women have requirements, expectations, demands and presumptions about what 'the man for them' should be, but the man has the right to want a certain type of woman as well. In the midst of all the chaos of the Good Black Man/Woman relationship, have these women really taken into account their attitude and conversation towards men? While they are speaking their mind, recalling past experiences they can't let go of, and placing blame for whatever reason, that one man is sitting on the sidelines watching their every move. Do they think that man likes what he sees? Do they think God will send them a man when they regularly talk and behave the way they do towards what He has created for them? If the old cliche' is true that Game recognize Game, they see the no-good men because they themselves are.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.