Oct 8, 2013

Rise Of The Lames: Debra Johnson

This message was posted in a couple of Facebook groups I'm part of. Excuse the profanity and usage of the N-word, but it makes sense.
Planet of the A.P.E.S- Rise of the Lames March 8, 2013 at 10:46pm
Dear Guerrilla Player,
If your lady is a scrub, it's because you're a scrub. If she's a lackluster chick, its because you're a lackluster dude. Now let's broaden this concept to a group of people...and really observe whose responsible for the conditions of todays Black/African American Woman.
It's easy to blame the female for the short comings in your relationship. But the reality is that headship belongs to YOU; not your lady. If a business has employees that are under performing, they don't fire all the workers; they replace the boss. A new boss can take those same employees and get them cracking and in line with the program. A good leader creates good followers.
The problem with most of these females out here is the dudes they've been messing with. They're used to dealing with a bunch of simps. Once again: poor leadership creates poor followers. Ever notice how the females in the hood tend to act like the dudes in that hood?
When you have a female who's around you a lot, she will eventually soak up your philosophies and outlook on life. Over time, your way of looking at the world will become her way of looking at the world too. You're impregnating her with your 'seed'; in this case, your mental seed. I've noticed when a woman has been around me for a while, she'll start reflecting my vision of the world through her speech and actions. Even if its my sisters. It's funny and amazing to watch.
If you're a rowdy nigga who loves to fight, your chick will start reflecting that behavior as well. If she hangs around you long enough she'll become a rowdy chick. But if you're cool and laid back, your woman will become that way also over time; granted you're giving her positive strong leadership. Leadership is an awesome responsibility. Great leadership creates great followers; poor leadership creates poor followers. So instead of blaming the quality of the women in our midst, blame the dudes who exposed them to some garbage ass guidance. But keep your standards high. As a leader, its mandatory. If she can't get with the program and soak up your good game, replace her with a cooperative female that will.APES- Angry Players and Enraged Simps
My View: She's got a point. If the man is supposed to be the head, he takes responsibility for those under him. The problem is that many men want to lead, but don't want responsibility for the ups & downs. I can see why many men defer leadership to the woman, because being a leader is tough. You have to deal with multiple personalities, and you have to be willing to make tough decisions that everyone may not agree with. In layman's terms, a leader must be willing to be disliked, and misunderstood. That's ok, because if God didn't give them your vision, don't expect them to understand it. A stand-up man will attract a stand-up woman. Because everyone has a Facebook account, almost everyone is in at least 2 Relationship groups. The common denominator is men going in on women, and vice versa. I ask myself: Where are you guys meeting these horrible (wo)men that have made you so jaded? Seriously, every (wo)man can't be that bad to where you spend all day ranting & raving about them. I will say that some women have spent the last 40+ years dogging men, and now that men are fighting back, many women can't stand it. Well, don't dish out what you can't take. Going further, if a man has his stuff together, and he selects a woman that's not about order, and will not soak up his good game, he needs to check & charge her; Put her in her place, and get rid of her. Where many stand-up men become jaded is they keep these rebellious women around; they try to change them into respectable women when it's not their job. If a woman is set on being a Jezebel, what makes you think she will change once a good man comes into her life? She's not, in most cases. Men need to stop trying to change wayward women; let them sink into their quicksand of ratchetness. This stood out to me: "The problem with most of these females out here is the dudes they've been messing with. They're used to dealing with a bunch of simps. Once again: poor leadership creates poor followers. Ever notice how the females in the hood tend to act like the dudes in that hood?" I can respect a woman who tells me straight up: You need to know I'm ratchet, so if you're expecting me to change into a respectable woman, forget it. Because she was direct, I have no reason to get involved with her. That's the mindset my fellas need to take: Stop trying to save these ratchet women, they don't want to be saved.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.