Jan 26, 2013

Be A Woman: By Trina Rogers

Trina BabyTee Rogers
Woman came from man. Not the other way around. Women have always been the backbone of the man's struggle, in one way or another, positive or negative. She can mold his imagination, shape his strengths, enlighten his desires and illuminate his destiny. She can also dismantle his hope, eradicate his character, extinguish his passion and annihilate his future. What does it mean to be "HIS" woman? What is her part in this evolutionary journey that is "two becoming one"? It is complex in its simplicity and simple in its complexity. Meaning its hard if you make it that way!

THE SIMPLE--Women hold the key to life in their bodies, this is true. Yet the body is controlled by the mind. So in essence, the mind is what holds the key to life. Clear thinking, goal-oriented, positive attitudes and a servant-filled heart create the power in women to maintain healthy relationships, long-lasting marriages and well-educated, well-rounded future generations. Let the "MAN" be the man. He has been doing it longer than women have attempted to do it (on their own, don't need no man, etc.). And frankly, they are damn good at it! Love him for being a man to you, for you, because of you. He can and will take care of everything you want and need. LET HIM! He has been trained to do it since birth. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM! He wants to protect you, provide for you and profess his love for you! HONOR HIM! Giving him his rightful place in this world as your King can only benefit everyone around him, including you!

THE COMPLEX-Women refuse to stay in their place and act like women. Character is revealed not when others are around, but when you are alone. Being over-bearing, controlling, domineering, and abusive in public doesn't make you right or appealing to anyone. Especially men! Be alone with yourself once in a while and replay the behavior that was displayed when you were rejected by someone. How bad did it hurt? Tell the truth! Lying to yourself is worse than lying to someone you love. During a time of solitude, women need to examine themselves and learn who they are and what qualities they possess that they wouldn't be attracted to. Get rid of them! Be honest, loving, caring, humble, reassuring to yourself first. Allow the healing process from the past to subside completely and begin again. You weren't made to do it all. You can't! It's not a rewarding position to be in. Women were made to be loved by a man. Why would any man want to love you when you act more masculine than him? Behaving like the woman you are destined to be, one adored by a man, is the most exhilarating feeling in the universe. A man will recognize this as well. Let go of all the bad advice, girl-talk, male-bashing and derogatory and demeaning ideals you have been brain-washed with and do the simplest thing you can ever do. Shut up, sit down, cross your legs (for once), sit up straight, smile and simply be a woman! His woman!

My View: I have no words for this because it was that good. Everything written is synonymous with what I believe. Let's just say that some women need to print this out and paste it in their car, on the refrigerator and in their bedroom on the dresser; basically anywhere where they can read it so it can embed in their system.

One Size Fits All

Is the way men & women approach each other based on dress, appearance and the way she carries herself? Or do I feel men & women have a one size fits all mindset when it comes to getting to know the opposite sex? Men and women are different so what may work for one, won't work for another. You can't use the same approach for every person because you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Each person has a different set of expectations (as they should) for how they want to be treated. For example, a brother from the inner city of Miami could not approach Michelle Obama sideways; No, he would have to tailor his approach according to how she carries herself. If the woman looked like Nicki Minaj, he would get farther because he could identify with her background (grew up in the hood, hard life, etc.). Some men do have a one size fits all approach when it comes to women; they believe all women are the same. Women are the same according to gender but different in terms of personality, life experience, etc. Men tailor their approach according to the kind of woman they want. If he wants a freak, he'll talk dirty to her because that's what she responds to. If it's a high class woman like Michelle Obama, he comes at her in a different way. You can't use the same approach for all women. You can have a professional woman who has her stuff together and some men will come at her sideways; that's because some men don't respect themselves so it can't be expected for them to respect anyone else.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.