Dec 22, 2020

God Is Mad


Has the thought ever occurred to you people that all that's going on in our country is because GOD is pissed. You all are a bunch of greedy fearful , self righteous, murdering godless heathens.
You murder your unborn children, you allow freaks to read them stories, you sexualize them, you rape them and sell them as prostitutes to freaks.
You all are a bunch of lying hypocrisy laden weirdos.
You worship idols.
You call good evil and evil good.
You experiment on people and turn people into experiments for profit thru lies.
You kill the innocen
t over lies for profit.
You have no moral code or compass.
You are totally nihilistic.
You treat the elderly like shit
You have been given this beautiful rich country and you don't appreciate it.
You live better than anyone else on the planet and you don't appreciate it.
You are racist and treat others like shit because of their ethnicity.
You follow all these pagan customs but claim to be following Christ.
Its not just here in America the debauchery is worldwide.
All you people are heathens.
None of you have love for who gave you life or your fellow man or your children.
You throw gasoline on your wives and set them ablaze.
You chop off folks heads over bullshit and kill people as a sacrifice to demons.
You listen to music that's glorifying death, greed and being whores.
You kill people for their organs
But you now you are worried about a virus.
The Creator God should destroy us all!!!!
We all deserve death!!
Now watch some self righteous asshole come on this post and claim righteousness and say "not all of us is like dat".
Don't worry That Rock is coming that will destroy a 3rd of the earth.
I know y'all don't believe in the Bible because its the White man is every textbook you read to get your degree. is every other book because none of you fools own a publishing company or a printing press or a paper mill.
Y'all better repent because the storm is coming and when you turn on that TV you see its getting really windy.
Y'all have a good Sunday now don't give that pimp pastor too much money..oops I forgot you can't go to church now because of COVID...hmmm but you can Riot tho, lolololol.
Time to pray and repent.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.