Sep 22, 2016

Haha, you're struggling

This tweet is the clean version of what I originally planned on writing. We all have struggled, are struggling or will struggle at some point in life. No one's immune to hard times, so why laugh at someone's misfortune? People who laugh at others' misfortunes have poor character. I say that because any decent human wouldn't laugh at someone's struggle because they know it could be them. Then again, we live in a foul world so there are people who are that pathetic to laugh at someone's misfortune. These are the same people who would be in their feelings if someone laughed at their struggle(s). I'll take it one step further: People who laugh at others misfortune are failures in life.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.